New Release 0.0.29

Another huge update for Svelte Flow 🙏 Creating data flows will be way easier with the new hooks and functions. You can now subscribe to connected nodes, receive data and update nodes more easily. We fix a big issue about the <Handle /> component. No more on:connect that only worked for target <Handle /> components but onconnect and ondisconnect that works for every <Handle />.

Check this Computing Flows example to see the new helpers in action.

New Features

  • add useHandleConnections hook for receiving connected node and handle ids for a specific handle
  • add useNodesData(ids: string | string[]) hook for receiving data from other nodes
  • new updateNode and updateNodeData for useSvelteFlow to update a node or the data object
  • add onedgecreate function for passing a certain id or other attributes to a newly created edge


  • replace on:connect, on:connectstart and on:connectend with onconnect, onconnectstart and onconnectend, no need to forward on:connect.. anymore

Fixes and minor changes

  • onconnect and ondisconnect callback work for <Handle /> component
  • don’t delete a node when user presses Backspace inside an input/textarea/.nokey element
  • bgColor prop for Background didn’t work
  • prefix css vars with “xy-”
  • don’t update nodes and edges on pane click if not necessary
  • cleaner types for exported edges
  • fix getIntersectingNodes bug when passing Rect
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